After a person dies, estate administration is used to distribute the assets to heirs, pay all debts and settle the decedent’s affairs. For Ohio residents who have created an estate plan and are under the impression that it is sufficient, it is still important to be attentive about common mistakes.
Understand a Driver’s Rights During a Traffic Stop
As the summer months heat up, general traffic flow picks up. Impaired drivers pose a danger to other drivers as well as public and private property, so as a matter of public safety, additional police officers patrol roadways during heightened traffic patterns.
Persons of Color Face Skin Cancer Misdiagnosis Risk
Misdiagnoses can pose a serious health risk for Ohio patients, especially when cancer is involved. Cancer is often a progressive disease that becomes more difficult to treat and more life-threatening the longer it goes undiagnosed.
Can Apps Be Held Liable for Causing Accidents?
While most people know that driving in Ohio while using a cellphone is illegal, some drivers continue to do so. Can the app that a driver is using at the time of an accident be held liable for causing a collision?
How Do Inheritances Work?
Many Ohio residents have heard about inheritances, and many times, they’re pictured as being a lump sum check of money. In reality, passing down assets is not always that easy.
The Truth Behind the Most Common Skin Cancer Myths
Many people enjoy spending time outdoors in Ohio to see everything this state offers. With that said, being outside can also put you at risk for developing skin cancer. Unfortunately, there are lots of myths about how to prevent dealing with this condition.
Is Drowsy Driving as Bad as Drunk Driving?
One frequent culprit of roadway accidents that hasn’t gotten a lot of press over the years is drowsy driving. A recent survey found that about 50% of Americans have admitted to driving while they were in a state of drowsiness.
What Are the Dangers of Medication Errors?
When you’re in the care of a medical professional in Ohio, there’s the risk of getting the wrong medication due to a doctor’s errors. Medication errors can lead to severe medical complications and even death.
Do You Have to Participate in A Field Sobriety Test?
When the idea of a DUI comes up in conversation, most people immediately picture a person doing a field sobriety test. These tests are done on the side of the road to help an Ohio police officer determine whether or not a driver is intoxicated.
Are All Wills Valid?
Just because you wrote a will doesn’t mean that it’s valid in the state of Ohio. Your will has to meet certain qualifications before a judge will approve it after your death.