Misdiagnoses can pose a serious health risk for Ohio patients, especially when cancer is involved. Cancer is often a progressive disease that becomes more difficult to treat and more life-threatening the longer it goes undiagnosed.
Medical Practice
The Truth Behind the Most Common Skin Cancer Myths
Many people enjoy spending time outdoors in Ohio to see everything this state offers. With that said, being outside can also put you at risk for developing skin cancer. Unfortunately, there are lots of myths about how to prevent dealing with this condition.
What Are the Dangers of Medication Errors?
When you’re in the care of a medical professional in Ohio, there’s the risk of getting the wrong medication due to a doctor’s errors. Medication errors can lead to severe medical complications and even death.
Stroke Misdiagnosis in Women
The National Stroke Association reports that strokes rank third as the main cause of death among women. The signs of a stroke differ between men and women, which could lead to a delayed or missed diagnosis. There are unique stroke signs women in Hamilton, Ohio, should know, so they can get proper treatment.